Thursday, January 17, 2013

So, all this blogging stuff is very new to me. I guess I can start out by saying I am currently a Parent Educator for the Union School District and I love the flexibility it provides. I would love a librarian position because my passion is books and keeping children interested in them. With the ever changing technology world kiddos don't want to hold a book in their hands. They want to be able to read them off Kindle's, Nooks, IPad's and so on. I am old fashioned I guess because I would choose to hold a book in my hand. However, anything that will keep a child reading is good enough for me!


  1. Glad to see you have your blog going. Don't forget to post a reflection about the required reading this week.

  2. Technology dealing with books have come a long way! My students love going to Book Flix or Tumblebooks to read/watch interactive books. It helps them get that love for reading, while making it fun. However, I try not to let them go to these websites all the time, because they still need to read actual books, instead of just watching books online being read to them. I think the online books are great in the fact that you can turn off the audio and the students have to read the books on their own.
